Camping Logbook Cover
For Newbies,  Set-up

Our Camping Logbook is Now Available

Camping Log inside page
Inside page in the Camping Logbook.

We’ve been working on a little something, and it’s finally here! 

There are a lot of camping journals and logbooks out there. (I know, I looked at most of them!) But none was quite right for our needs. True to our can-do nature, we created and published one ourselves!

The Camping Logbook, available on Amazon is designed to capture the information about the places you’re camping – including services, site numbers and ratings – as well as notes areas to record anything else that’s important to you.

There are also pages to record your expenses, mileage and RV repair and maintenance. 

That’s a lot for just $12! Check it out and let us know what you think. 

And any purchase helps support the RV tips, reviews and adventures on Our Cabin on Wheels.