Two buckets and a plunger to use when doing laundry off the grid.

Off-Grid Laundry Tutorial

Last summer, we stayed for a week at our family camp in the Adirondacks. It is definitely off grid: No running water and no electricity. And definitely no washing machines!

Camp is not pristine and clean, but after a while we still want clean clothes. So we did some internet research and came up with this three-bucket washing system.

While we used it at our camp, the three bucket washing system can be used when you’re boondocking or when you don’t have access to a laundromat.

Watch the video below for a tutorial.

Supply List

Here’s what you’ll need for your own off grid laundry system.

Three five-gallon buckets
Washing Wand laundry plunger
Earth Breeze Laundry Detergent Sheets

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