A fabric bag with some of the go bag items that are from the bag.
Advice,  Set-up

What’s in the Go Bag?

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “Go Bag,” I’ll start with my definition. It’s a bag that you carry that contains items you may need while traveling. They’re regular items that you should have packed in your main bag, but forgot; items you use rarely, but when needed, you’re very happy to have; plus, extra items to supplement your regular supply. As with anything, the items in your Go Bag are personal to your own needs.

The bag itself doesn’t have to be anything special, but it should be big enough for everything you need and easy to find (let’s say, not black, which would be hard to see in a dark storage cabinet). My bag is a patterned teal-colored zippered fabric cosmetic bag I already had. If you don’t have one on hand, something like these would work.

If you don’t already have your own go-bag, I’m listing everything in mine as a starting point. Feel free to use or ignore what I’ve listed.

Supplemental First Aid Items

We keep a full-sized first aid kit in the camper – these are extra.

Over the Counter and Prescription Medications

Miscellaneous/Extra Stuff

I’ve turned to the Go Bag often in our travels. One time, I had forgotten my ear plugs and was very happy to have backup when we were camping at a particular noisy Harvest Host. Most recently, we had to use the the tick remover – yuck!

Pack your Go Bag for every trip, and pack it in the same place. The Go Bag should be checked often and replenished as needed. I’ve also found that I find new items that should be added.

If you are starting from scratch, I’ve made a free downloadable shopping list. If you purchase through any of the Amazon affiliate links here or on the shopping list, we receive a small commission.

What would you put in your Go Bag?