Menu Planning and Packing for Your Trip
We’re getting ready for our next trip, which will be part RV camping and part “at camp” — a rustic (read no running water or electricity) family camp in the Adirondacks.
Making sure we have all the food we need for RV camping and at the camp is made manageable by my list system. Laugh if you want, but it works!
Here’s How it Works
However you like – on paper, computer or phone – start a document with these headings: Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners and Snacks. Here you’ll write down menu ideas for your trip. It’s helpful to develop menus where you use the same ingredients for several meals.
Next, make headings for “Pack,” “Buy,” and “Make.”
Under the “Pack” heading, write down the items (including utensils, pans and recipes) that you need to prepare the meals in your menu lists. For example, for Campfire Pizza (or Pizza on the Grill), I need to make sure I pack pizza dough (or my sourdough starter and flour), a can of tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, mozzarella cheese and toppings, and a cast iron skillet.
If there are any items in the “Pack” list that you don’t have on hand, add them to the “Buy” list.
Bring that list to the grocery store for your pre-trip shop.
Under the “Make” heading, note anything you want to prepare in advance. For this trip, I made some sourdough flatbreads and English muffins (I love to bake). They’ll stay in our RV freezer until we’re ready to have them.
This works for us, and it may work for you. If you want a little help, I’ve made a PDF of my food packing lists that you can download and use for free. If you do use the document, let me know how they work for you.
Thanks for reading. Hope you have many delicious meals while you’re camping!